Debug LESS With Chrome Developer Tools
11/19/2013: Updated to work with LESS v1.5.1 which now has support for v3 source maps
If you’ve spent much time with preprocessors like LESS you’ve probably discovered their one rather crippling flaw: debugging. With thousands of lines of LESS code suddenly turning into even more thousands of lines of CSS, it can become nearly impossible to tell where a particular style originated. Thankfully the Chrome team is addressing this problem with their recent support for CSS source maps.
Today I’ll teach you how to rework your LESS preprocessor so it plays nice with Chrome and reunites you with your old friend: the CSS inspector.
Just to whet your appetite here’s a teaser of what we’re going to accomplish.
You’ll notice, over on the right, instead of your typical style.css: 7
it says modules.less: 7
. That’s right, the developer tools are looking at the generated CSS and source mapping it back to the LESS file!
Clicking on the line number will dive into the LESS file itself.
To achieve this effect, we’ll need to tell the LESS compiler to generate a source map file when it spits out our CSS. A source map tells the debugger how to find its way from generated output back to the source file.
Important: If you use less.js to compile your LESS in the browser, the techniques we’ll be covering will not work for you. Please see this ticket for more information.
Setting Up Chrome
Fire up the developer tools and click the gear in the bottom right.
In the left hand sidebar click General
. Scroll down to where it says Sources
and click Enable CSS source maps
There are a quite a few ways to convert your LESS into properly source mapped CSS code. You can use the lessc
command line tool, or have the server do it with a tool like less-middleware for connect. As I mentioned previously, you can also compile LESS on the client-side using less.js
, but the current implementation of source maps in Chrome does not support this.
If you’ve installed LESS using npm, check that you’ve got the latest version. You’ll need 1.5.0
or above.
$ lessc --version
lessc 1.5.1 (LESS Compiler) [JavaScript]
If your version is not 1.5.0
or greater, you should run npm update -g less
Outputting a source map
Let’s imagine your project has a directory structure like this:
imports all of the other LESS files, so that’s the one we want to compile to CSS. Our goal is to have an index.css
file inside of the css/
folder when everything is finished.
To do this with lessc
we’ll run the following command from the root of the project:
lessc less/index.less > css/index.css --source-map=css/ --source-map-basepath=css
Kind of a mouthful, I know.
The first bit is just compiling our LESS file to a CSS file in the css/
lessc less/index.less > css/index.css
The --source-map
flag tells lessc
where to put the souce map file. In this case we want it inside the css/
dir as well.
The --source-map-basepath
flag tells lessc
You might need to update your version of the middleware to whatever’s the latest, which looks like 0.1.9 as of this writing.
In your app you’ll need to add the dumpLineNumbers
options to the middleware’s config.
src: __dirname + 'path/to/src',
dest: __dirname + 'path/to/dest',
dumpLineNumbers: 'mediaquery'
After that you should be all set. Make sure any minification is turned off or it will screw up the source maps.
Personally I’ve found this trick extremely useful when working with large LESS codebases. I’ve seen some chatter that Stylus might also support this trick so if you have first-hand experience debugging Stylus with Chrome please drop me a comment. Otherwise I might do a follow up showing how to achieve similar results in that language.
Any questions or comments hit me up in the discussion area below.
– Rob
You should follow me on Twitter here.